Infiltrating America: The Type 93 Chinese Assault Rifle

The Type 93 Chinese assault rifle is a development of the Type 56 Kalashnikov, produced by the People’s Liberation Army of the PRC. While the Type 93 designation suggests that the design originated in 1993, there is no evidence of production before the mid 2020s at the earliest.

Fundamentally, the Type 93 represents a shift towards a rifle more practical for hand-to-hand fighting, as ammunition supplies became scarcer and more expensive with the progression of the Resource Wars of the 2050s, 60s, and 70s. The barrel and has tube were reinforced, and a new RPD-style handguard added which provides a much better grip for bayonet fighting than previous Kalashnikov models used by the PLA/PRC. However, some changes were also made to improve the shooting effectiveness of the rifle, most notably moving the rear sight onto the receiver cover and extending the sight radius.

Perhaps the most unique feature of the TYpe 93 is that it was originally produced in 7.62x39mm, for domestic Chinese use. However, the models found in the United States (which come from the invasion of Anchorage as well as Chinese infiltration efforts in the Washington DC area) are all found in 5.56mm. This change was made to allow use of American ammunition, but limited industrial resources prevented the development of a new magazine by the time this adaptation took place. Instead, the existing 7.62 magazines were kludged to use 5.56mm cartridges, resulting in a capacity restricted to 24 rounds as the basically straight-walled 5.56×45 cartridge does not fit well in a magazine body designed for a more tapered case.

Many thanks to Elder Alex of the Brotherhood of Steel for giving me access to this rifle for today’s Holotape!


    • Haven’t seen such a high quality sample of the rifle in this part of the continent, wished I could say the same with R91s

  1. I didn’t recognize the heritage of this until I read invasion of Anchorage….light bulb moment haha

  2. 1) Okay, what is it really?
    2) The 2070 Ian McCullom is really well preserved. Shouldn’t he be giving a credit to his suspended-animation provider or his youth-restoring medical team? Shouldn’t he instead have made himself up to be a really old man, or hired his father to play him?
    3) And a happy April Fool’s day to you all. I’m going hopping around the web for other jokes.

  3. Nice Russian aluminum waffle mag! What better way to punctuate the April Fools joke than with an “antique” magazine from the old Sportsman Guide mag “raffle”!

  4. Overall, considering the present situation among the brain dead world leaders this is in bad taste. Joke or not.

  5. April Fool’s stupid question:

    If we’re fleeing a ruined city full of sword-swinging mechanical “knights”, which would you grab up for a fighting retreat?

    1. Type 93 Assault rifle
    2. Mags M20 (water-cooled heavy submachinegun variant from Valkyria Chronicles)
    3. Beardmore-Farquhar light machine gun
    4. Suomi Kp/31 with under-barrel flamethrower!!
    5. Winchester Model 1873 musket (with bayonet)
    6. FN MAG
    7. Call in the Death Korps of Krieg and turn the tables (why are they even here!?)
    8. Screw the budget!!!

    • Find something that explodes mightily, leave it behind me with a long fuse, light fuse, leave.

      See March to the Sea by John Ringo and David Weber.



    • “(…)Suomi Kp/31 with under-barrel flamethrower!!(…)”
      Keep in mind that important part of that is psychological effect, which might be not present against sword-swinging mechanical “knights”. Also 9×19 part might be enough against said enemy.

      “(…)Screw the budget!!!(…)”
      If you select option 6 do not forget to get some depleted uranium ammunition

      • I think you meant to say “9×19 part might NOT be enough.” As for screwing the budget, will the 6p62 anti-materiel rifle suffice for your purpose?

        • “I think you meant to say “9×19 part might NOT be enough.” ”

          “will the 6p62 anti-materiel rifle suffice for your purpose?”
          Depend on armour of said sword-swinging mechanical “knights”

  6. A worthy competitor to the Westinghouse M-25 40, which lacked the bayonet but fared better in ammunition sustainability.

  7. Good one, Ian.

    I just want to see a post going over whatever the hell this thing really is… I think I see RPD, Galil, and a couple of other weirdly sourced parts glommed on to it…

      • I will make a try at identifying the parts and pieces:
        receiver is a chinese slab sided Type 56 or a copy marked as such. The top cover looks fabricated. Gas block is from a Galil or Valmet or South African R4. Grip is of the ususal AK type. Stock is I think from Lage Mfg.? The folding mechanism looks like one of several aftermarket ones for AKs. Muzzle device I have no idea. Probably fabricated as well. Magazine as was already mentioned is an old waffle style aluminium one. Handguard seems to be a surplus RPD part made to fit an AK. Charging handle as said in the video comes from a RPD.

        • Whoever assembled this made a nice job with these parts. Too bad it did not came with the bayonet.
          By the way, Ian does a really good job of keeping his face straight while filming this, or we must assume were spared some bloopers…

        • Look at the rear of the receiver; that’s pure Galil, with the profile and the split-pin holding the stock assembly on. The side markings confuse the issue, but I think this thing started life as a Galil or R4 clone.

          Maybe. That was why I was hoping Ian would clarify just WTF this thing is derived from…

  8. Proof that quality bourbon is a good preservative – looking great Ian. I hope I look as good at 135 years old as you do (and it won’t be for lack of trying, bottoms up!)

  9. Would have been more accurate if it used an as val stock instead, but hey it’s pretty cool

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