Yesterday we looked at the history and development of the vz.82 pistol; today I am taking it out to the BackUp Gun Match. this should be a pretty competitive pistol in this environment, and it actually meets the characteristics of a backup gun quite well. It is light and compact, but still offers very good controls, excellent accuracy, and a 12-round capacity in a powerful round (9x18mm. Makarov) for a simple blowback action.
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I own a vz.82 in the 9mm Mak. a very handy and accurate pistol. I really need to shoot it more.
Shame it is not legal for sale here. I have two other Czech pistols but cannot have CZ-83 (civilian equivalent of Vz.82). There are two reasons for it: caliber and barrel length. Magazine capacity is another one.
The video is marked private.. for Patreon?
sorry, I made a scheduling goof and the post came out a day early. The video will be available in a few hours.
It would be useful to be able to access the video.
sorry, I made a scheduling goof and the post came out a day early. The video will be available in a few hours.
“Simple to take apart.” I beg to differ: Simple to field-strip. The frame is a nightmare of interlinking parts held with pins, and woe unto them who have to replace the dinky little slide stop spring or worse, the combination sear and automatic safety spring, failure of which guarantees you either failure to cock the gun or involuntary double-taps. Wonderfully ergonomic gun when in good condition. Certainly exceptionally well-made. I rather like the enamel finish on the ex-army examples. Here’s complete disassembly:
Extra problem child:
Very logical little pistol. Too bad that it is also an armorer’s nightmare.
The pistol vz.82 is quite compact, very suitable for those who want to carry around for self-protection. I have used this gun and found it quite easy to use.