Help us fund a high-speed camera!

Thanks to everyone! We hit the full $13,000 goal, and I have placed an order for an Edgertronic high speed camera! It should arrive in 3-4 weeks. The campaign will still run until the 17th (IndieGoGo rules; I can’t end it early), and if you would like to contribute between now and then I certainly won’t object – any additional funds at this point will be put towards miscellaneous expenses of running the site (gas, ammo, extra batteries and SD cards, etc).


    • A couple issues with that type – first, it appears to do only 256 x 256 resolution and in greyscale. Second, it requires wall-socket power and a special type of video output. The Edgertronic saves in a directly usable format to an SD card, and can be powered by a 12V cigarette lighter outlet.

  1. I’m presiding over the collapse of a foreign military training program at the moment, watching the revenue evanesce… revenue against which I’ve already generated considerable expenses, including travel to site. (Real glad I flew coach instead of the business class they said they’d reimburse me, since my odds of being reimbursed are nearing zero). Still, Nate’s post suggests that I can kick in something regardless of my temporary lack of “play money.” Consider it done.

    After all, I want to see this.

  2. Only $250 to go for the Edgertronic and 19 days to do it on! I am glad your campaign is going so well. I take it you are too!

  3. Congrats! $95 ‘over budget’ and still 17 days to go.
    Any additional acquisitions planned already? Or an upgrade on the equipment?
    Can’t wait to see [sic!] what comes up next 😉

    • I don;t have anything else specific in mind – and I don’t want to push my luck with another high-dollar item. 🙂 Extra money at this point will be happily accepted, and put towards whatever expenses come up in the course of running the site.

  4. If you get enough extra I’ll suggest you use them on better a light setup for the book review films.

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