Shop tour video

I’m very happy to announce the opening of our YouTube channel. We’ve got a bunch of videos planned, and I thought a good way to start would be with a tour of our shop, now that the renovation is just about done.

The one area we didn’t get to is the stamping and forging area. That’s going to be the last area brought on-line, and it’s out in another building. For the time being, we’ll be working with welding and milling projects.

We’ve got some more videos coming out in the next couple weeks, and some other cool info coming up. Among other things, we’ve got a copy of the testing report from the US Army handgun trials (think .45 Luger), and a video of a Federov rifle disassembly. Stay tuned – I think you’ll like it!


  1. “Unlike some shows you may have seen covering gun building, we plan to have no drama and lots of good technical info.”


  2. Lord what a shop. I build weapons everyday for the DoD but nothing as fun as what you do. Can’t wait for the videos.

  3. I wish I can have a fully ecquiped lab like this than all impossible would become possible..
    I have very little acces to raw materials such as steel and aluminum and very low on machinery so best tools i use is files,dremel,rotozip,table grinder and angle grinder..
    I have a drill press which eventually will become a milling machine,just need to mount a milling compound table also I got a minilathe,sucks but can do some small jobs like bolt manufacturing or make some other minor stuff…

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